My inclusion in the MEPAINTSME 2023 Open Call

I’m excited and humbled to share that my piece Underneath the Blood Moon has been included in the MEPAINTSME 2023 Open Call, which is an international online exhibition. Myself and 49 other talented artists from around the world are included in this exhibition. I’m also happy to share that my piece sold! Proceeds from the sale go directly to organizations working to end gun violence in the United States. Here’s more about the online exhibition:

“The MEPAINTSME annual Open Call exhibition provides a venue for emerging, non-professional, and established artists, alike. With selection based entirely on the stand-alone merits of the work, it presents an equal opportunity to every artist who applies. Altogether, I was deeply moved by the caliber of work submitted for this year's open call, and am pleased to present this selection of artworks by 50 international artists from 16 countries. With this effort, I also wanted to give artists and collectors the ability to support non-profit groups whose mission was in line with my own. Last year, the 2022 Open Call exhibition raised over $5,000 to support Ukrainian Relief efforts.  This year, mepaintsme will be donating 100% of profits form the sale of artwork to support organizations dedicated to non-violence, including Sandy Hook PromiseHealing Hurt People, Everytown for Gun Safety, and Giffords Law Center. These organizations have excellent violence prevention programming — each using education, research and advocacy to fulfill their respective missions, with a few programs aimed towards electing candidates who are committed to finding solutions to this growing epidemic.”

Being included in exhibitions like this always reminds me that being an artist isn’t a binary experience. It’s fluid: each day, month, year looks different from the last. Some are better than others. Most of my time is spent working a full-time job that pays my bills and allows me the space to create and exist outside of the constant stress and worry about surviving. Artist’s can exist in many shapes and forms. Making is what makes YOU, you! As long as you do so, you’re an artist in my book. I always need to remind myself of that, when most of my time is spent on other things besides art. As long as you’re true to yourself and dreaming up what comes next, you’re succeeding. Selling and showing artworks does not equal success. Showing and selling is great, but it’s not always consistent. It also hinges on art = profit. If every part of your life is about consuming or being consumed, you’re just another cog in the capitalist wheel. Success is what you make of life - it’s on YOUR terms. Be kind to yourself and life will work with you instead of against you - most of the time.

Anyway, I’ll miss this painting a lot. She’s a beauty, and it was made out of a place of peace, calm and love. I hope these little butterflies and moths end up somewhere that loves them. Whatever you do, keep making artwork that’s true to you, and apply to things that make sense for your work; and do not throw in the towel when rejection and hardship come your way. Making art is about the long-term - it’s a lifelong journey. I hope my words bring you the peace of mind I could have used 5 years ago.